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Clarity and Guidance Reading

Readings are a diagnostic and information tool. Often clients come in with questions about their health, their life path, or relationships. Suggestions may be made regarding life changes or healing that will aid the client in adding value and vibrancy to their life. Clients can come with specific questions or simply come to see what comes forward during the session, a reading typically contains a bit of both.

Extraction work can be incorporated into the reading to aid in clarity and upliftment.

Readings are not a substitution for professional medical, psychological, financial, or legal services or counseling.


Extraction Work

Extraction work is energetic and spiritual personal house cleaning. We can pick up negative energies from other people and places; these energies can make us feel weighed down, moody, just a bit off. Extraction work removes these negative energies from your energetic field; leaving you feeling lighter, more like yourself. It is similar to dusting your furniture and mopping your floors – it brightens things up. Extraction work is particularly helpful for healthcare workers and healers.

Extraction work can be done by itself or as a part of a reading or soul retrieval.


Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval is a shamanic ceremony using ancient methods to return a person’s fragmented self to wholeness. Emotional or physical trauma can cause a portion of a person’s vital essence to break off and flee in order to protect itself, in psychological terms this is called disassociation. Disassociation is not negative, it allows a person to protect themselves while under going a trauma. When dissociation becomes negative is when the disassociated part of the person does not return resulting in what is referred to as soul loss. Soul loss can cause a person to feel less than what they were before the trauma. It can manifest as depression, fatigue, a lack of joy, chronic anger, feeling stuck, an inability to thrive, suicidal thoughts, addictions, and/or a feeling of not being “all there”.

During the soul retrieval ceremony, the person will be cleared of un-useful or negative energy that has filled the void caused by the soul loss. This is called extraction work. After the extraction work, the fragmented pieces of the person will be gathered and returned to them. After the fragmented pieces are returned, the person will be given instruction on how to integrate the healing they have just received.

Soul retrieval is a deeply healing ceremony for those that have a true desire and commitment to let go of what is not working in their life and to accept and integrate the healing necessary for them to say yes to a fulfilled life. It is a healing that requires a dedicated commitment to healing and wholeness. I offer a free 30-minute phone consultation to discuss if soul retrieval is right for you.


House Blessing

House blessing helps to create sacred space in your home by removing the un-useful or negative energetic imprints from the past and re-harmonizing your home to the good, true, and beautiful intentions you have for yourself and your home. The method I use for the house blessing ceremony can take between 2 and 6 hours and is an engaging and interactive experience. I offer a free 30-minute phone session for clients interested in this service.
